Cadet Training Centre Courses
The Cadet Training Center courses are conducted in-person at various cadet training centers across the country and enable the cadet to participate in summer training in all forms. Cadets will be provided with information closer to their travel dates in regard to where they'll be going, and what they'll need to pack. These courses can be anywhere from 2-6 weeks in duration. You'll find all the information about the courses the cadets may apply to below!

Fitness and Sports Instructor (FSI) Course
The aim of this four-week course (one-weekdistributed learning and three weeks in-person) is to develop a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge required to perform the role of a fitness and sports instructor and a team leader for fitness and sports activities conducted at the Corps, during regionally directed activities and/or as a staffcadet at a CAP/CTC. The course's aim will be accomplished by providing dynamic and challenging training that includes many opportunities for practical application.The cadets will learn theoretical and technical skills required to deliver the Corps physical education and recreational training program as specialist instructors. This course will ensure that the cadets are adequately prepared to face challenges at the Corps and as Staff Cadets at the CTCs.

Drill & Ceremonial Instructor (DCI) Course
The aim of this four-week course (one-weekdistributed learning and three weeks in-person) is to develop a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge required to be an instructor for drill and ceremonial activities. The aim will be accomplished by further developing drill and ceremonial related specialist skills and knowledge that will allow them to perform the duties of a specialist instructor for ceremonial activities. By establishing a dynamic learning environment that exposes the cadets to a variety of drill and ceremonial opportunities, this course will prepare the cadets to assume a specialist parade position at the Corps and CTCs.

AirRifle Marksmanship Instructor (ARMI) Course
The aim of this four-week course (one week distributed learning and three weeks in-person) is to develop individual air rifle marksmanship and summer biathlon specialty skills while reinforcing and further developing the leadership and instructional techniques skills preparing the cadets to support these two specialty activities at the Corps, during regionally directed activities and/or as a staff cadet at a CAP/CTC.The cadet will be provided with the necessary theoretical, technical, and practical skills required to monitor and instruct other cadets during marksmanship training at the Corps.

Music Course - Military Band (MB)
The aim of this four-week course (one week distributed learning and three weeks in-person) Course is to raise the cadet’s musical skills to the standard of the next music proficiency level. This training is to develop the music proficiency of cadets and prepare them to support their Corps bands and related music activities. During this course, instruction is also given in instrument maintenance & repair and other music-related skills, while the more senior levels also learn some Instructional Techniques relating to music. Note: To improve music proficiency level, cadets may undertake this course more than once.

The Seamanship course provides cadets an opportunity to build on seamanship skills learned at the corps and to participate in advanced seamanship activities. Activities include ropework and rigging, whaler operation as crew member, a day sail on a trainingvessel, and naval communication. Cadets attending this course, if successful, can achieve the Communications 1 and 2 qualifications. Duration: two weeks in-house.

Ship's Boat Operator
The Ship’s Boat Operator course provides cadets an opportunity to develop advanced seamanship skills and participate in Small Craft Operator Program (SCOP) training. Activities include ropework, marine navigation, naval visual communication training and a multi-day on watertrip. Cadets attending this course, if successful, can achieve qualifications in SCOP Module 3 (Operate a Powerboat with an Outboard Engine) and SCOP Module 5 (Operate a Whaler). Duration: One week distance learning. Three weeks in-house

Sail One
The Sail 1 course provides cadets an opportunity to develop sailing skills and participate in Small Craft Operator Program (SCOP) training. Cadets attending this course, if successful, can achieve qualifications in CANSail 1–2, and SCOP Module 1 (Pleasure Craft Operator Competency), SCOP Module 2 (Restricted Radio Operator's Certificate [Maritime]) and SCOP Module 3 (Operate a Powerboat with an Outboard Engine). Cadets will also be introduced to CANSail level 3 training. Duration: Six weeks in-house.

Sail Two
The Sail 2 course provides cadets withan opportunity to further develop sailing skills and participate in Small Craft Operator Program (SCOP) training. Cadets attending this course, if successful, can achieve qualifications in CANSail 3–4, SCOP Module 4 (Operate a Safety Boat) and First Aid. Duration: Six weeks in-house.
Additional Prerequisites: CANSail 1-2, SCOP 1-3

Advanced Sail
The Advanced Sail Course provides cadets an opportunity to develop advanced sail and racing skills. Activities include CANSail level training, training camps and regattas. Cadets attending this course, if successful, can achieve qualifications in CANSail 5–6 and First Aid.
Additional Prerequisites: CANSail 1-4, SCOP 1-4