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Religious Accomodation

The cadet program recognizes and understands different cultural and religious requirements of various groups, and respects the need for specific religious accommodation, especially during periods of religious expression. To ensure that this happens, the cadet program provides accommodation to the dress that those cadets observing specific religions are required to wear. Those cadets who have a religion that is not listed below and require specific accommodation are encouraged to speak to our Commanding Officer.

The wearing of headdress on different occasions reflects a combination of the cultural etiquette of formal Canadian society, military custom, and religious practices. As a guideline, the norms of formal etiquette should be followed. Further guidelines for common situations are given in the paragraphs that follow. These highlight the differences between those whose customs require removing headdress as a sign of respect, especially by cadets in religious circumstances, and those who cover the head as a sign of religious respect. Similar requests to retain headdress may also apply to cadets who choose not to have religious affiliation

Religious Coverings

For spiritual and religious reasons, cadets may wear a modified long sleeve shirt in lieu of a short sleeve (SS) shirt, and a modified ankle length Service Dress skirt. Oxford shoes shall be worn with the skirt in lieu of ankle boots. In certain orders of dress, cadets may wear a long sleeve shirt under their short sleeve (SS) shirt or t-shirt. The long sleeve shirt, Service Dress skirt, and oxford shoes may be ordered through the chain of command. Availability of these items are based on the individual's needs and requirement. These items can be requested and ordered for the cadets!

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