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Swim Competition

March 24, 2019

On Sunday March 24th, 2019 Haida will participate in the Grand Flotilla Swim Competition at Embrace Swimming Aquatic Centre. The Aquatic Centre is located on 25 Kings Cross Road, Brampton, ON, L6T 3V5. All cadets are responsible for their own transportation to and from Brampton.


Important information:


-Cadets are asked to arrive in Brampton for 0900. Competition will begin promptly @ 1000.


-Competition will be finished around 1230 (time subject to change, parents will be notified).


-Cadets are reminded to pack the following:


        -> Health card

        -> Bathing suit (one piece for females)

        -> Towel

        -> Sandals

        -> Goggles

        -> Swim Cap

        -> Shower toiletries

        -> Change of dry clothes

        -> Snacks/ lunch (lunch will not be provided and canteen will not be available). 




Unfortunately, due to a venue change the viewing gallery will have limited space for spectators. Even though we still encourage parents and families to come cheer on the swim team, please be prepared for a smaller cheering section.


If there are any questions please direct them to either of the coaches or email



Hope to see everyone there!

Haida Sports Night: Air Riderz Trampoline Park

February 21, 2019

Haida will participate in an offsite sports night on Wednesday March 6th 2019.


Air Riderz is located on: 3600 Ridgeway Dr, Mississauga, ON L5L 0B4. The front of the building faces Burnhamthorpe Rd W and Loyola High School.


We are asking that parents drop off their cadets promptly at 1830 (630 PM) as the facility staff requires to check all waivers and go through safety instructions. Cadets are to be picked up for 2100 (9 PM).


Important things to know:


The entry fee is free. The corps will pay for unlimited jump and climbing time, as well as the jump socks. Cadets wishing to rent a locker will have to pay for this on their own. The facility does provide free spaces for individuals to store their stuff. If cadets wish to purchase snacks while at the facility this will be at their own cost. They do encourage jumpers to bring water with them.


In order for cadets to participate in the sports night they MUST fill out the online waiver. Cadets under the age of 18 will require their parents to read and sign the waiver. If a cadet arrives without the waiver completed, they will not participate. There is limited space for cadets to fill out the online waiver at Sky Riderz- we strongly encourage all cadets to have this waiver filled out before they arrive. Only the cadet’s parent will be able to sign for them, we will not accept other parent’s signatures.


Please visit: // click on the online waiver section// Haida’s Jump ID is 475173.

We will post the link on our website, Facebook, and Team APP for all cadets to use.


Cadets will participate in APPROPRIATE sports attire. Remember you are representing Haida.


All cadets must be in possession of their HEALTHCARD!!


If you have any questions please ask your DPO, Divisional Officer or email

Sea Cadet Scholarship

February 21, 2019

If you are interested in applying for the Sea Cadet scholarship then please follow this link to get more information about it


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Haida Holiday Dinner

November 26, 2018

The Mississauga Navy League Branch would like to invite the cadets of RCSCC Haida and NLCC Revenge to ourANNUAL

Tuesday December 4th 2018

6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.



Location: Vic Johnston Community Center

335 Church St, Mississauga, ON L5M 1N1


Dress: Cadets are asked to wear semi-formal attire.  No uniforms!


All cadets are asked to bring a dessert that will feed up to four people. Parents are not permitted to attend the dinner; however they are welcome to attend the dessert portion of the evening. Dessert will take place at 8:00 p.m.


We would like to encourage ALL cadets to donate a non-perishable food item. All donations will be given to the local food bank.

Scooters Roller Palace - Sports Night

November 22, 2018

Parents, Guardians and Cadets,


Haida will participate in an offsite sports night on Wednesday November 21ST 2018.


Scooter’s Roller Palace is located on: 2105 Royal Windsor Dr, Mississauga, ON L5J 1K5


Timings: 1830 (6:30) - 2100 (9:00).


We are asking that parents drop off their cadets promptly at 1830 to ensure all cadets are accounted for and receive their rental skates.


Important things to know:


-The corps will pay for the admission and rental skates’ fee.


-Cadets wishing to rent a locker will have to pay for this on their own. Please pack as little as possible- The cost for a locker will be 25 cents.  


-If cadets wish to purchase snacks or play arcade games while at the facility this will be at their own cost. Cadets are encouraged to bring water with them.


-Cadets are permitted to bring their own roller blades or skates as well as safety equipment (Helmet, knee, elbow, and wrist protection). If cadets wish to purchase safety equipment this will be at their own cost. If you bring your own skates and safety equipment please ensure they are clean and in well working condition.


-Cadets will participate in APPROPRIATE sports attire. Remember you are representing Haida.



All cadets must be in possession of their HEALTH CARD!!!


If you have any questions please ask your DPO, Divisional Officer or email

Remembrance Day Activities

October 04, 2018

Remembrance Day activities 

Parents and Guardians,


Haida will participate in the Legion’s annual Poppy Sales drive, ANAF parade, and the Streetsville Remembrance Day Parade. This letter will provide you with all the details for the upcoming activities.


Poppy Sales Drive:


Saturday October 27th and Sunday October 28th

Location: 101 Church St, Mississauga, ON L5M 1M6

Timings: Oct 27: 0800 - 1700

               Oct 28: 0900 - 1700


Saturday November 3rd

Location: 101 Church St, Mississauga, ON L5M 1M6

Timings: Nov 3: 0800 – 1700



The legion will provide the cadets with $5 for lunch. If you believe that your cadet will need more than that please send them with a bag lunch or extra money. We ask that cadets complete a minimum of two shifts over the two weekends. The dress for poppies will be C-2s and black pants & a white shirt for new cadets. Please remember to bring to bring your cadet parka (with epaulettes) as the weather is getting colder.


ANAF Parade:

Date: Sunday November 4th 2018

Location: 765 Third St, Mississauga, ON L5E 1B8

Timings: 0930 – 1230


There will be a luncheon after the parade and ceremonies have finished.


Streetsville Remembrance Day Parade:

Date: Sunday November 11th

Location: 101 Church St, Mississauga, ON L5M 1M6

Timings: 0930 – 1300


There will be a luncheon after the parade and ceremonies have finished. The dress for the ANAF and Remembrance Day will be C-1s. Questions about these events can be directed to your DPOs, Divisional Officers, or the corps email

Fall Sail Weekend

September 18, 2018

Haida will participate in our fall sailing weekend. All cadets must participate in sailing as it is a mandatory requirement of their phase training. We highly encourage those cadets selected to participate in the weekend to attend, as there are limited spots and weekends.  


What you need to know:



Mississauga Sailing Club, Lakefront Promenade, Mississauga, ON L5E 3G9



Day one: Saturday September 22nd 2018: Cadets are asked to arrive no later than 0800 and should be picked up by 1600.


Day two: Sunday September 23rd 2018: 0800-1600


What to bring and wear!




-Lunch- there is nowhere for cadets to buy lunch and they will not be allowed to leave.


- Clothing and shoes that will be able to get wet. Please check the weather before coming to the weekend. It is important for all cadets to dress for the conditions. Closed toed shoes will ONLY be permitted while sailing. Do not be afraid to pack extra clothes in case the weather changes.


- Towel


-Change of dry clothing. Please pack some extra clothing, the sail centre staff really encourage all cadets to be prepared.




In order to achieve CanSail I cadets are required to attend two full (or more) weekends of training. Cadets who do not complete the training on the weekend will need to return. If there any questions please do not hesitate to ask the TRG O or email


Our next sailing weekends will be: June 15th & 16th 2019 and June 22nd & 23rd 2019

Uniform Issue/Exchange

September 16, 2018

If you'd like to exchange any uniform parts or be issued your uniform over the course of the first half of the year, our Supply Officer A/SLt Yip will be available at the times below for you to come in and do so:




10th (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs

17th (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs

16th (Sunday) – 0830hrs- 1200hrs

23rd (Sunday) – 1300hrs – 1600hrs




15th (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs

22nd (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs

29th (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs




5th (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs

12th (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs

19th (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs

26th (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs




3rd (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs

10th (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs

17th (Monday) - 1800hrs – 2100hrs

Fall Tagging 2018

August 28, 2018

Dear: Parents, Guardians, and Cadets:


RCSCC Haida and NLCC Revenge will participate in our fall tagging fundraiser. This is a mandatory event for ALL CADETS. Cadets are expected to sign up for a minimum of 3 tagging shifts over the weekend.


The tagging shifts and timings are as follows:


Friday September 14thà 1815-2100 (6:15pm-9:00pm) **Limited spots only**


Saturday September 15th 2018:


ALL DAY SHIFTà 0830-1700 (8:30am-5:00pm)

MORNING SHIFTà 0830-1300 (8:30am-1:00pm)

AFTERNOON SHIFTà  1230-1700 (12:30pm-5:00pm)


Sunday September 16th 2018:


ALL DAY SHIFTà 0900-1700 (9:00am-5:00pm)

MORNING SHIFTà 0900-1300 (9:00am-1:00pm)

AFTERNOON SHIFTà 1230-1700 (12:30pm-5:00pm)


The navy league is always looking for parent drivers. If you would like to help transport cadets to locations please come in and volunteer! Cadets are asked to arrive 10 minutes before their shift is scheduled to start.   


What to wear?!


DRESS: C2’s (Tunic, gunshirt, white top, lanyard, pants, and boots) NO NAME TAGS, NO MEDALS- ONLY

RIBBONS. If you are a part of the guard, you are NOT to wear your GATORS OR WEBBING. New cadets please wear black pants, white dress shirt and dress shoes.



Tagging is extremely important for Haida and Revenge. All our trips, training weekends, any clothing we buy, funding for teams, etc. all happens because of the money YOU raise. If there are any questions please speak to your DPO or email

Sea Cadet Centennial Parade

August 28, 2018

RCSCC Haida will participate in the Sea Cadet Centennial Parade on Sunday September 09th 2018 at Queen’s Park in Toronto, ON. The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario will be the Reviewing Officer for the parade. The parade will begin promptly at 1200.


Things you need to know for the parade:


Dress: Cadets- C1s and Officers- DEU 1A.


Timings: Cadets are asked to arrive at the Cadet Centre for 0830 and be picked up for 1530. Cadets will be bused to and from the parade location. All cadets will travel together, but may leave with their parents after the parade has concluded.


Rations: Lunch will be provided to all cadets.


Inclement weather location: Fort York Armoury- 660 Fleet St, Toronto, ON.


Band & Guard Members:  Webbing and Gators will be worn. Please remember your instruments and music packs!







We highly encourage ALL cadets of RCSCC Haida to participate in celebrating the Sea Cadet Centennial at Queens Park. Haida will be one of many Sea Cadet Corps attending the historical event across the NGTA- Let’s have the best turn out!


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